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Herpes Treatment: An Ayurvedic Approach

The World will face a pandemic of Covid-19 in 2020. As a result, other medical issues, such as herpes have been sidetracked.

What is Herpes

Herpes is an infection caused by a virus. It has two types, HSV1 and HSV2. These variants cause HSV infection. Herpes is mostly a sexually-transmitted viral infection. However, it can be passed from a mother infected to her child during pregnancy. Herpes, after the common cold, is the second-most common viral infection. Both men and women are affected. This is an extremely contagious disease that can be spread through direct contact with lesions and sores, even if you don’t have any. This infection can also increase the risk of contracting HIV and other infections. We want to let you know that Herpes infection is not something anyone should ignore, regardless of whether symptoms are present or not.

Ayurvedic View on Herpes

Ayurvedic medicine also calls herpes parisarpa, or visarpa. Ayurveda says that our body is made up of three energies, or doshas. These are vata pitta and Kapha. These energies are the reason for a person’s good health. Even a slight imbalance in any of these energies can cause health problems. All three energies (or doshas) and seven dhatus in the body are vitiated by Herpes. The vitiation of energies can be caused by a variety of factors, such as poor diet and lifestyle, lack or exercise, prolonged use of certain medicines, etc. These vitiated energies can be classified as vataja (bad habits), pittaja (bad lifestyle), kaphaja (bad eating habits), agni Visarpa (bad energy), tridoshaja(bad energy), granthi Visarpa or kardama Visarpa. The symptoms are based on the affected doshas and dhatus.

Herpes Symptoms and Signs

Herpes can be present for many years without causing any symptoms. Few people can show the following symptoms:

  • Herpes oral is caused primarily by HSV1. Oral herpes is characterized by the following symptoms:i) Blisters filled with red fluid on the lips, tongue, and mouth
    iii) Pain that is excruciating
    iii) Tingling
    iv. Pain and difficulty swallowing
    vii) Difficulty eating
  • Genital Herpes is mainly caused by HSV2. The following symptoms are present:i) Fluid-filled red blisters in the genital region. These blisters break open and form sores
    If the blisters are in the anal area, you may experience pain while passing stool.
    v) Urination that is painful
    Vi) Body pain

Signs & Symptoms Related to Ayurvedic Belief of Doshas

  • Vataja – The vitiation of vata is the cause of vataja. This condition is marked by burning eyes, fevers, pains, giddiness and a loss of appetite.
  • Pittaja – This is caused by the vitiation or pitta. The red lesions are rapidly spreading, and there is fever.
  • Kaphaja – This is caused by the vitiation or kapha. It is characterized with stiffness, heavyness and fever.
  • Agni Visarpa – Agni Visarpa is caused by vitiation of pitta and vata. This condition is characterized by nausea, dizziness and vomiting. It can also cause a loss of appetite.
  • Granthi visarpa – This is caused by the vitiation in vata and Kapha. It can be difficult to treat and lead to glandular enlargements with suppuration.
  • Kardama Visarpa – This is a yellow-colored disease that usually affects stomach. It spreads slowly.
  • Tridoshaja – This is due to the vitiation in all three doshas. This type of Herpes is not curable and spreads quickly.

Diagnóstico de Herpes

You can diagnose the condition by:

  • Examining the affected area
  • Herpes DNA test
  • Tests to detect IgG and IgM antibodies in your body

What is the treatment for Herpes

Herpes: Conventional Treatment

Antivirals are the mainstay of conventional treatment for herpes. These antiviral medications fail miserably. The virus remains dormant in the blood-brain barriers, where neither the immune system nor antiviral medicines can reach. Antiviral drugs have no effect because the virus mutates into strains resistant to or immune from antiviral medications. These antivirals also have many side effects when taken regularly. They are therefore only recommended if you have an infection. Antivirals suppress the virus for a short time, but then it resurfaces after a period of time, and you have to take them again. This never-ending cycle continues. It is not a cure, as the virus can relapse at any time.

Alternatives to Herpes

Complementary natural health care can include Ayurveda and Homeopathy as well as nutritional supplements. These are all ways to live a healthier life without any side effects. Clinical studies have shown that natural ingredients such as hypericum vulgaris, Monolaurin and Picrorhiza Kurroa, among others, can boost the immune system of Herpes sufferers.

Ayurvedic Principle for Treating Herpes

Ayurvedic science believes that a herpes outbreak is caused by vitiated Vata and pitta doshas as well as impure blood. Ayurvedic medicine has two ways to treat herpes:

  1. Herbs and dietary changes can be used to balance doshas. Herbs and dietary changes can help balance Vata and Pitta. This will rejuvenate tissues and cleanse the body. Know more on the Ayurvedic diet for Herpes at Biogetica.
  2. Ayurvedic medicine believes that herpes does not affect just a portion of the body, but also the whole body. Once the doshas have been balanced, it is important to rejuvenate the body using Rasayanas. Rejuvenation can boost the immune system and help fight recurring attacks of disease.

We will explore the latest research on natural formulations.

Ayurvedic herbs, a healthy lifestyle, dietary changes, and homeopathy are all effective in treating herpes. Biogetica uses Homeopathy, Ayurvedic Herbs, and Dietary Supplements to treat the condition as a whole, from its roots. Biogetica’s supplements are based on Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and modern research. If you are looking for a safe, natural, and effective solution for Herpes without any known side effects, please contact one of our doctors at Biogetica.

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Managing Herpes Blisters: A Comprehensive Guide

Herpes is a viral infection. It is a sexually transmitted virus that can also be transmitted from mother to child. There is no known “cure” for herpes that can help prevent symptoms from returning. However, there are certain necessary lifestyle changes that you can incorporate in your day-to-day life that can help you possess a stronger immune system to deal better with the condition.

Let us go through things that you must know about herpes.

How is Herpes Transmitted

HSV-1 is primarily transmitted by oral-to-oral contact to cause oral herpes infection, via contact with the HSV-1 virus in saliva, sores, and surfaces within or around the mouth. However, HSV-1 can also be transmitted to the genital area through oral-genital contact which may lead to genital herpes. It can also be spread from oral to skin surfaces. Herpes can be transmitted even when there are no symptoms present. However, the risk of transmission is higher when there are active sores.

HSV-2 is mainly transmitted sexually. It is transmitted through contact with body fluids, genital surfaces, skin, or skin lesions. HSV-2 can also be spread from the skin of the genital area or anal area even during the absence of any visible symptoms. It can rarely also be transmitted from mother to her child during delivery to cause neonatal herpes. Having oral sex without protection or a condom with a person who has cold sores or even if there are no symptoms. Transmission is also possible by sharing sex toys that are not washed.

How does Herpes affect your sexual life

Due to the stigma attached to herpes, not all people are quick to tell others about their diagnosis. The guilt and embarrassment may compel some to hide their diagnosis even from their partners or family or avoid searching for proper treatment or getting tested or screened regularly. Please trust us, this will simply make the issue worse and more complicated both physically and emotionally. Thus, we suggest you communicate about this with your partner, as family support would add up to your recovery immensely. Be frank, open, communicative, and positive and please let go of the need to be “right” is powerful. Maybe your partner may take some time to evaluate the situation and perceive what this means for your future together. Give your partner and yourself an optimistic opportunity to sort out things, have patience, and express how important your partner is to you. If required, you can get your partner screened as well. Embracing the actuality will also help in the right way.

How do you avoid getting or passing on genital herpes

  • Avoid sex if either you or your partner has an outbreak. It is better to wait until the symptoms have cleared up before having sex again. However, it is also important to understand that it can spread even if a person doesn’t have any symptoms.
  • Use male or female condoms or dental dams every time you practice vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
  • Cover sex toys with a condom and wash them after every use.
  • Discuss your sexual health with your partner. It is necessary to know each other’s sexual health status can help you decide together how to practice safe sex.
  • Having multiple sexual partners can also increase your risk of contracting genital herpes. If you are having sex with multiple partners, it’s even more important to use condoms and have regular screening tests done.

Diet Recommendations for Herpes

Coma mais do seguinte:

  • Eat more fresh vegetables: Beans, asparagus, beetroot, bottle gourd, amaranth, cucumber, cabbage, bitter gourd, carrot, drumsticks, radish, turnip, and yellow melon.
  • Use Ginger, turmeric, cumin seeds, coriander/coriander seeds, Himalayan or pink salt, fennel seeds, and cardamom in your day-to-day food.
  • Have fruits such as pomegranate, banana, grapes/raisins, watermelon, blackberry, coconut, sweet lime, melon, lime, custard apple, sugarcane, guava, apple, avocado, mulberry, oranges, pears, figs, walnut, dates.
  • Include spirulina in your meals. You can check out Spiruliva provided at Biogetica.

Evite o seguinte:

  • Spices restricted for acidity: green chili, spear-mint/garden mint, black pepper, and tamarind.
  • Make sure you eat the suggested fruit when it’s ripe and sweet.
  • Reduce the intake of dairy products, groundnut oil, eggs, mustard oil, canola oil, and corn.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
  • Avoid processed, preserved, frozen, and canned food.
  • Avoid combining foods from incompatible groups such as chicken, meat, fish, pork, prawns, mushrooms, sour fruits, buttermilk, curd, sprouts, and fruits should not be combined with milk and honey.

Please follow the below tips:

  • Wash the sores gently with soap and water and then pat dry.
  • Do not bandage the sores as air accelerates their healing.
  • Do not pick at the sores as they can get infected and slow the healing.
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes
  • Avoid wearing nylon or other synthetic underwear or clothes.
  • Also, do not wear tight-fitting pants.

How to Reduce Stress Naturally

Stress is a major reason to lower the immune system and attract most of health issues including Herpes. Start with meditation to reduce stress today. You may even engage yourself in any hobbies such as playing games, reading, painting, sewing, cooking, listening to music, playing a musical instrument, etc. The whole idea is to divert your mind from the worries or stress of day-to-day life. You may also practice yoga or deep breathing in your daily routine. As they will not only reduce stress but also calm your mind and improve lung functioning.

What is the treatment for Herpes

Conventional Treatment for Herpes

Conventional treatment for herpes consists of antiviral drugs. However, the effort of antiviral drugs fails, and the virus lies dormant behind the blood-brain barrier which the immunity and antiviral drugs cannot reach. The virus also mutates itself into strains that are resistant to antiviral, thus they have no effect on the antivirals. Moreover, these antivirals have a host of side effects when taken for a long, so they are suggested only when you have an outbreak. So, when you have the outbreak to take antivirals and the virus gets suppressed for a temporary period of time, again the virus flares up after an interval, and again you need to take antiviral, and this vicious cycle continues. But still, it is not a permanent cure as it may relapse even if a virus escapes the treatment.

Alternatives for Herpes

Complementary natural care includes health sciences such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Nutritional supplements that can give you a positive hope to lead a better life without any side effects. Natural ingredients like hypericum mysorense, herpes imprints, reginmune and monolaurin have shown tremendous effects in clinical studies on boosting the immune system in Herpes patients. To learn more about our groundbreaking research and products, consult one of our Doctors at Biogetica.

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Herpes Management: Understanding Treatment Options

Herpes is an infection caused by a virus. HSV1 or HSV2 are the two variants of HSV that cause HSV infection. Herpes can be sexually transmitted, but also from mother to baby. According to records, herpes is the second-most common viral infection in the world, after the common cold. Both men and women can be affected by herpes. Herpes is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact with the sores, or even the affected area when there are no sores. This increases your chances of contracting HIV. We would like to let you know that Herpes infection is not something anyone can ignore, regardless of whether symptoms are present or not.

Herpes Symptoms

It is possible to remain asymptomatic for many years without experiencing any symptoms. Fewer people can display the symptoms below:

  • HSV1 is the main cause of oral herpes. Exacerbations of oral herpes include:
  1. Blisters with red fluid on the lips and tongue
  2. Painful inflammation
  3. Tingling
  4. Eating difficulties
  5. Pain and difficulty swallowing
  6. Febre
  • Genital Herpes is caused primarily by HSV2. The following symptoms are seen:
  1. Blisters that are red and filled with fluid around the genital area, which then burst open to become sores or an ulcer.
  2. Painful micturition
  3. If the blisters are in the anal area, you may experience pain when passing stools.
  4. Febre
  5. Dor de cabeça
  6. Bodyache
  • The varicella-zoster virus causes chicken pox, which manifests as the following symptoms:
  1. All over the body, except for palms and soles
  2. General Malaise
  3. Febre baixa
  4. After 2-3 days, the rash develops into vesicular eruptions and severe itching.
  5. After 5-6 days, the eruptions will turn into scabs

Once a person has been infected by chickenpox, their body develops an immunity to it. The virus is left in a dormant form in the body.

  • Cytomegalovirus is a herpetic virus that affects the salivary gland. Usually, it affects people with compromised immune systems, including newborns, transplant patients, and HIV-positive individuals. The following symptoms are associated with it:
  1. Diarréia
  2. Vision impairment
  3. Stomach Infections
  4. It can even be fatal when not treated properly
  • Roseola is caused by Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7. It mainly affects children. The exacerbations are as follows:
  1. High fever
  2. Erupção cutânea
  3. Convulsions may occur in some children
  • Epstein-Barr Virus is the cause of Infectious Mononucleosis. The patient can either be asymptomatic or display the symptoms below:
  1. Febre
  2. Dor de garganta
  3. Body-ache
  4. Lymph Node Swelling
  5. Dor de cabeça
  6. Amígdalas inchadas

Infection Stages

Herpes can remain dormant in nerve ganglia, and flare up when your immune system is weak. Herpes infection is divided into three stages:

  • Primary stage: This is the first stage, which occurs within 2-8 days after infection. Small, red, painful, and fluid-filled blisters may appear at the beginning of an infection. These blisters become sores that break open and dry.
  • The virus is in the latent stage when no symptoms are visible, but it has reached the nerve ganglia.
  • Shedding stage: Once the virus has reached the nerve ganglia it multiplies and invades body fluids, such as semen, saliva, and vaginal liquids for women and men. The fluids are then responsible for the transmission of the virus which is known as the “shedding stage”.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Herpes

The doctor will examine the affected area and may recommend blood tests such as the Herpes PCR DNA test (the most accurate test) or antibody tests to look for IgG antibodies and IgM antibodies that your body has produced in order to fight the virus.

What is the Treatment for Herpes

Herpes: Conventional Treatment

Antiviral drugs are the standard treatment for herpes. Antiviral drugs fail to work and the virus remains dormant in the blood-brain barriers, where neither the immune system nor antiviral medications can reach. Antiviral drugs have no effect on the virus when it mutates into strains resistant to them. These antivirals also have many side effects if taken regularly. They are therefore only recommended when there is an outbreak. When you take antivirals, the virus is temporarily suppressed. However, after a short interval, the virus will flare up again and you’ll need to take another antiviral. This vicious cycle continues. It is still not a cure, as the virus may relapse if it escapes treatment.

Alternatives to Herpes

Complementary natural health care can include Ayurveda and Homeopathy as well as nutritional supplements. These are all complementary sciences that give you the hope of a better future without side effects. Clinical studies have shown that natural ingredients such as hypericum mysorense and herpes imprints can boost the immune system of Herpes sufferers. To learn more about our groundbreaking products consult one of our Doctors at


Let us go through revolutionary studies on natural formulations:

Herpes can be treated in many ways by using natural supplements and improving your lifestyle. Biogetica uses Homeopathy, Ayurvedic Herbs, and Dietary Supplements to treat the condition holistically and at its core. Biogetica’s products are based on Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and traditional clinical research. They also have modern studies and tests to support them. If you are looking for a safe, natural, and effective management for Herpes without any known side-effects, please contact one of the doctors at


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Herpes Protocol Showdown: Ultimate vs. Biogetica Immune Boost

Herpes Virus and the Treatments Available

Herpes is an infection that can cause havoc on your body and also have a traumatizing effect on your other aspects of life. It is a common viral STD but the stigma associated with it causes people to want to hide the infection and become unknowingly more proponents of spreading the virus. Herpes is treated with Valtrex, Ovirax, and Famvir. All of these medications suppress symptoms, but they also cause you to suffer from side effects.

Does Herpes Natural Treatment Work

The growing research into natural medicine has led to the discovery of many ingredients that can help boost your immunity and keep infections at bay. They may also be able to help you live a healthy, normal life.

How can I find the best Natural Protocol

You should be cautious of those who promise miracles or permanent relief but do not provide any evidence.

There are two very strong candidates for herpes treatment. What are they all about?

  • The Ultimate Herpes Protocol

Melanie Addington, with the assistance of her father who is a physician practicing Western medicine (ironic, right?) has written an ebook that provides information about how to get relief from infection permanently using natural products.

  • Biogetica Immune Boost Protocols

Biogetica, on the other hand, is a holistic portal that provides comprehensive information about various clinical conditions and also full spectrum kits which incorporate remedies from different disciplines of natural medicine including Ayurvedic herbal, resonance homeopathic, and Bioenergetic components.

Look at their distinctive characteristics

Ultimate Herpes Protocol Biogetica Immune Boost Protocols
You can purchase a 38-page ebook that contains information about natural remedies for herpes. A website that provides free, unlimited information about various clinical conditions such as herpes. A panel of doctors to provide real-time assistance and a variety of full spectrum kits from alternative medicine disciplines such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy. The app also offers access to additional resources such as healing meditations and diet recommendations. It also includes yoga and pranayama.
This ebook includes a 3-step approach, which provides information on

  1. Immune System Strengthening
  2. Destroying the virus
  3. Prevention Future Outbreaks
The Immune Boost Protocol includes herbs, homeopathic ingredients, and nutritional supplements that have been tested over time. They are blended for maximum bioavailability and synergistic action.

  1. Tradition has it that the herbs used promote healthy organ function.
  2. Homeopathic imprints are bioenergetic potentized impressions of pathogens, which traditional homeopathy believes can elicit a specific immune reaction.
  3. Nutritional supplements nourish and optimize the body’s systems.
The book is long, starting with the information about the herpes virus, then moving on to dietary changes, including different fruits and vegetables, and other natural ingredients, and finally, exercises and tips for a healthy life.

Biogetica offers immune booster kits with ingredients that have been proven in clinical trials. Hyperisince, Biogetica’s patent-pending formula, is a combination of herbal extracts including Hypericum Hookeranium and Hypericum Mysorense.

Homeopathic ingredients are nodes that have been prepared in accordance with Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (US) standards. These are energetic imprints and informational imprints that have been traditionally used to boost the immune system.

The supplements are designed to provide nutrients that rejuvenate and strengthen the body’s defense system. The kits contain all the natural ingredients that are needed to fight the infection.

The patient must purchase the book and pay additional fees for the prescribed remedies. Biogetica’s panel of doctors includes experienced physicians who assess the condition of the patient and recommend the appropriate protocol. On request, a certified nutritionist in-house can provide a diet plan to enhance a healthy outlook. The consultations are also free, and the Doctor is available 24/7.
A 60-day money-back guarantee is included with the ebook purchase. The kit comes with a money-back guarantee of 90 days.


The primary difference between the two protocols is the way they are approached. Biogetica researched and tested ingredients to find the best option. They then meticulously created the blends, ensuring safety, potency, and purity. The full spectrum kits boost immunity and flush out toxins while promoting healthy organ function. For more information on the Immune boost protocol or to speak with the experts about any other health concerns, visit right now

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HSV Eraser vs. Biogetica: The Immune Boost Showdown

Herpes Simplex Virus is the main cause of Herpes. HSV1 and HSV2 cause the most common cold sores, both in men and women. There are many treatments that claim to be able to cure this condition.

In a Divine Scripture, there is a quotation that says ‘God did not send down any disease before sending its cure’. Nature is a powerful healer and we must tap into it to find complete relief and freedom.

We’re going review two natural protocols today ( HSV Eraser vs Biogetica Immune Boost Products ) to determine how each has adapted Nature’s booty to Herpes.

HSV Eraser eBook provides information about Herpes Treatment, Diet Protocols, and Nutritional Supplements that can be used to treat this condition. The book also provides information on how to combat the virus and reduce herpes outbreaks. Biogetica Immune Boost is a blend of Ayurvedic herbal ingredients, Resonance homeopathic, and modern Bioenergetic components that have been praised for their many properties.

Below is a table that explains the differences between the two protocols.

HSV Eraser Biogetica Immune Boost Products

HSV Eraser is a booklet of information on the disease and its natural treatment options.


Biogetica products combine traditional Ayurvedic ingredients, modern Bio-energetic and Resonance Homeopathic ingredients. These ingredients have been tested for their anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.


The book mentions a number of herbs that are beneficial. However, finding the correct dosage or consuming the herbs the right way is not always easy.

Biogetica uses time-tested herbs, homeopathic components, and nutritional supplements in blends that are optimum for bioavailability. Hyperisince is a Biogetica immune booster kit that contains Hypericum Mysorense, which made headlines around the world after a study was published on Hypericum and HSV in peer-reviewed medical journals.

HSV Eraser can be used by herpes sufferers to minimize symptoms, control outbreaks, and reduce discomfort.


Biogetica protocols provide holistic solutions to treat the root cause and relieve symptoms.

HSV Eraser provides information about lifestyle, diet and other changes. It may take a long time to increase immunity, or it may not work at all for everyone.


Biogetica products may be effective for all people. The protocols aim to increase humoral and cell immunity, remove toxins and purify the blood.


HSV Eraser charges for merely providing information about Herpes and how to treat it. The remedies that they recommend will incur an additional charge.  

Biogetica offers a 90-day money-back guarantee on all-natural remedies. The company also offers free doctor consultations.

It can be difficult to follow instructions and read the book. provides information and is staffed by a doctor who is available 24 hours a day to assess your health and make recommendations. The company ensures every customer that they contact benefits in some manner. To learn more, you can visit


Biogetica’s mission is for you to find the freedom and ease you desire through integrated natural solutions. Ancient and modern approaches are combined to help heal you on all levels of your existence: physically, energetically, mentally, and emotionally. Visit to get expert advice, personalized suggestions, and natural effective solutions.


Todos os nossos produtos são fabricados em laboratórios certificados pela FDA compatíveis com GMP na Alemanha, Suíça, EUA, Índia e Espanha. Eles são apropriadamente registrados com a FDA como suplementos dietéticos, atenuações homeopáticas ou ervas ayurvédicas. O máximo cuidado é tomado para garantir qualidade e pureza ótimas. A Biogetica é um site visitado em todo o mundo. Alguns países consideram que Ayurveda, MTC, Suplementos, Bioenergética e Homeopatia são medicamentos, enquanto outros não. Para cumprir com várias normas do FDA de numerosas nações, dizemos:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

As informações fornecidas neste site não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration. Nossos produtos não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

De acordo com a Declaração da Política de Execução da FTC sobre reivindicações de marketing para medicamentos homeopáticos OTC, qualquer pessoa que venda homeopatia deve declarar.

Não há provas científicas suficientes de que a homeopatia funciona, e

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Nossos remédios foram tradicionalmente usados ​​em Ayurveda e Homeopatia há séculos. Cada remédio tem uma quantidade variável de pesquisas modernas por trás disso. Nós, ao cumprir a lei, não reivindicamos uma cura milagrosa ou resultados permanentes. Os resultados individuais podem variar de indivíduo para indivíduo.

*** Experimente os nossos produtos agora! Nossa Garantia de devolução de dinheiro incondicional 100% é válida para 90 dias.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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